Its been a long while since I've written a post. We've done a bunch of short informative videos posted to our YouTube site but I've got the bug to write again so here it goes...
There were some new Fad diets that were all the buzz in 2011 and I'm sure there will be more this year. I don't have anything against most of them actually. Most diet fads out there have the same recommendations with slight little twists and tweaks and names that make them sound new and exciting. Even my wife is hooked on one, "Crazy Sexy Diet" by Kris Carr. She ordered it towards the end of 2011 and went full steam ahead with it right away. The CRAZY thing is the fact that as she was reading it she was telling me that it basically was the info I had been teaching her over the past 13 years that we have been together.
You see, there is nothing new out there, there is no magic bullet (well I do like my magic bullet mini blender) when it comes to diets. All the info we are ever going to need is already out there and most of you already know it. So what are you waiting for? Maybe, just like my wife Stacey, you are just waiting for the right time. That's it! Stacey was ready for the change. Even though she had been making positive lifestyle changes slowly over the years there was always that "extra few pounds" she was pissed about. Well when you are really truly ready for change you can do it anytime. Stacey put her nutrition into overdrive and now she picks on ME for the food choices I make because she is so committed to being healthy.
So my recommendation to you is this...find an old diet book that you had read (or skimmed through) in the past and follow it because it works. Don't have one? I like Crazy Sexy Diet, it's what I teach anyway! All diets work! Some are better than others but they all get results if you are committed to them. So GET COMMITTED! Draw a line in the sand! Make today the day you change! Don't TRY to do it, DO IT! then remember the changes you are making are FOR LIFE! Not for a few weeks.
This is the kind of info we teach at our office. When you are ready to change your life you can do it. If you need help, call us email us and Innate Chiropractic of Manhattan will Help you achieve optimal health!