The difference between trying and doing is immense. Principle 6 in the chiropractic principles of healing is that everything takes time. It takes time for problems to manifest and it also takes time for problems to heal. From what we see in our practice it is very rare that a person with acid reflux can't's just that some people aren't willing to give their body time to replenish and heal.
Another reason that we find that is common is that people pick and choose which method they want to do and if it doesn't work then try the next one while dropping the first one. In our practice we treat people as a whole unit. Sometimes a particular therapy doesn't alleviate a patient's symptoms but we don't necessarily give up on it...we add the next layer to the equation. Some people may need to do all the protocols at the same time and stick to them long enough before results can occur. I'll bullet point the best approaches below and read through our other posts to get the details.
- Get to a great chiropractor that understands the relationship between stress on the nervous system and how it can lead to acid reflux. Ask your chiropractor if they can describe the relationship to you. If they can't then find someone who can.
- Find a way to release tension a stress from your jaw...hopefully with a doctor familiar with Applied Kinesiology
- Supplement with zinc
- Food Combining ( read our post )
- Find the right digestive enzyme for you! Start with one that includes Betaine Hydrochloride.
- Eat Food! ( again read the post )
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